Sunday, July 26, 2009

Dear Robbie:
Re: Bishop Richard Vaughan....He is a direct he would be your great (I don't know how many ..I will have to count.....16th century?) grandfather...(he was born in Wales) ...his daughter married Thomas Mallory, who was Dean of Chester.....the Mallory family had a Royal Line back to the kings of Scotland....and one of your grandmothers is St. Margaret, whose son St David became a King of Scotland.....St. Margaret's Chapel (we have visited it) is in the castle at Edinburgh.....we were able to see her prayer book....all these lines come from my father's side through his mother.
I will have to get you the 16th century dates...and earlier to King Malcom of Scotland..(who was slaughtered by MacBeth) .St. Margaret, his wife, is the one who "Civilized the Scots"...she was English...she established many Monasteries....and then Henry the 8th tore them all down......I LOVE ENGLISH HISTORY!!!. SO ROMANTIC!!! Off with their heads???? Chop, chop, chop!!!!!!
 I will have to go through my notes for more info........we have been to Chester Cathedral, and I had more info on Dean Mallory than they did!!!!  He was supposed to have been buried in the choir, but with the Civil war in England at that time his body could have been removed.
The Royal lines go back to Charlemagne...and kings of Europe!!!   Once an American finds a royal line, all the research has been done....and my sources come from the early Virginia lines.....there is an ancestral hall through the Battes of Virginia in Yorkshire....OAKWALL HALL...will have to get you the address if you are interested in visiting it.....we have also been there...the Battes, who married into the Mallories (orig a French name..came in with Wm the Conqueror ) were not as prominent as the Mallory line...came into Virginia around 1632...and settled in the Charles City area with over 4000 acres.....
Ray Nance, one of the Bedford Boys of WW11, who died recently as the last of the Bedford Boys, was a cousin....we had the same great grandfather Preston, and he was the one who told me about the Royal line...and then we went "to town" visiting the sites in England and Scotland....however, the research on Bishop Vaughan came later and we did not visit the chapel in St. Paul's.  Lord Admiral Nelson is also buried there by the way.....Christopher Nelson Hunter has two of his great grandfather was Horatio Christopher Nelson Johnston...whose parents must have had a devotion to Nelson!!!!!!!! Ah, these English!!!!!!
Your Dutch lines are also important.........they were sturdy, conservative people, some were Dutch Reformed ministers....a good contrast with the flamboyant English.....
We all need a "good mix".....truly American!!!!!  And you have your wonderful Arabic ancestry as well!!!! 
 Now, Robbie, see what you have done.....I am really into it this a.m....and thank you for I need a diversion!
 Love you and so happy for young...we get old too soon!!!

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